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CATS Key Facts ATPL Exams Volume 3
This essential guide to the EASA Part-FCL ATPL exams covers the key facts that you should know for Airframes, Systems, Electrics, Powerplant, Emergency Equipment, Instrumentation, Radio Navigation.
CATS Key Facts ATPL Exams Volume 2
This essential guide to the EASA Part-FCL ATPL exams covers the key facts that you should know for Principles of Flight, Performance, General Navigation, Flight Planning & Monitoring, Mass & Balance.
CATS Key Facts ATPL Exams Volume 1
This essential guide to the EASA Part-FCL ATPL exams covers the key facts that you should know for Human Performance & Limitations, Air Law & ATC Procedures, Operational Procedures, Meteorology, VFR & IFR Communications.
Keynotes for Pilots - The JAA CPL (A) Skill Test
Contains all the essential information that you will need to successfully get through the CPL Skill Test. Covers everything from pre-flight checks to the exercises that you may be required to undertake on a skill test.
Jeppesen Instrument Procedures Guide
Provides comprehensive coverage of all regimes of IFR flight (including takeoff, departure, enroute, arrival, approach and landing). Appropriate for instrument students, instrument flight instructors, instrument rated pilots and ATPs.
EASA Enroute Instrument Rating EIR/CBIR - Croucher
THIS BOOK IS FOR AERO PLANE PILOTS who already hold an ICAO IR, and who can simply convert to the EASA version bycompleting the skill test and demonstrating during the skill test an adequate knowledge of air law,meteorology and flight planning
ASA Holding Pattern Visualizer
This useful tool shows a pilot which entry is appropriate given the assigned holding radial, making it a superb learning tool. Approved for use during FAA Knowledge Exams!