2192 pages in 5 volumes as follows
Volume 1 - Chapters 1,2 and 3 (Aerodynamics and Structures) - 354 pages
Volume 2 - Chapters 5 and 18 (Avionic Systems and On Board Maintenance Systems) - 565 pages
Volume 3 - Chapters 6 and 14 (Electrical Systems and Lights) - 322 pages
Volume 4 - Chapters 4,7,8,9 and 10 (Mechanical systems) - 442 pages
Volume 5 - Chapters 11, 12, 13, 15 and 16 (Mechanical systems continued) - 452 pages
Module 11.1 Theory of Flight
11.1.1 Aeroplane Aerodynamics and Flight Controls
- The Atmosphere
- The Aeroplane Anatomy
- Four Forces of Flight
- Three Axes of Flight
- Turning Flight
- The Stall
- Aircraft Stability
- Aircraft Control
- Control Configuration
- High Lift Devices
- Stall Strips
- Vortex Generators
- Spoilers, Lift Dumps and Speed Brakes
- Secondary Control Surfaces
- Other Control Surface Features
- V Speeds
11.1.2 High Speed Flight
- Introduction
- Terminology
- Speed of Sound
- Shock Waves
- Wave Drag
- Effects of Compressibility on Lift
- Aerodynamic Heating
- Area Rule
- Supersonic Intakes
- Effects of Increasing Mach No on Stability
- Sweepback
- Shock Stall
Module 11.2 Airframe Structures – General Concepts
- Airworthiness Requirements for Structural Strength
- Safe-Life
- Fail-Safe Design
- Damage Tolerance
- Structural Classification
- Dimensions and Locations
- Aircraft Structural Design
- System Installation Provision
- Drains and Ventilation Provision
- Lightning Strike Protection (LSP) and Static Dissipation
- Stresses Acting on an Aeroplane Structure
- Stress, Strain and Hooke’s Law
- Structure Definitions
- Construction Methods of Aeroplanes
- Structure Assembly Techniques
- Riveting
- Bolting
- Bonding
- Surface Protection
- Aircraft Cleaning
- Aircraft Symmetry Checks
Module 11.4 Air Conditioning and Pressurisation (ATA 21)
11.4.1 Air Supply
- EASA Regulations
- Air Supply Sources
- Conditioned Air Ground Sources (Low Pressure Supply)
- Ram Air Systems
- Compressor or Blower Systems
- Engine and APU Bleed Systems
- Ground Service Connection
- Flow Control System
- Pack Valves (Transport Category Aircraft)
11.4.2 Air Conditioning
- Human Needs in Flight
- The Physics of Cabin Atmosphere Control
- Heating Systems
- Air Conditioning Systems
- Vapour Cycle Systems
- Air Cycle Systems
- Distribution Systems
- Temperature Control System
11.4.3 Pressurisation
- Fundamentals
- Terms and Definitions
- Pressurization Control Systems
- Pressurization System Monitoring Devices
- Outflow Valves
- Analogue and Digital Pressurization Control Systems
- Pressure Control Panel
- Flight Profile
- System Interfaces
- Testing of Pressurisation Systems
- Maintenance
11.4.4 Safety and Warning Devices
- Handling Precautions
- Failures Resulting in High Cabin Altitude
- Negative Cabin Differential Pressure Relief
- Positive Cabin Differential Pressure Relief
- Blowout Panels
- Ditching
- Landing Field Elevation Selector
- Emergency Ram Air Source
- Indication and Warning of Pressurisation Systems
Module 11.5 Instruments/Avionic Systems
11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
- Aircraft Indicating Systems – General
- Variable Resistance Systems
- Synchros
- Direct Torquer Systems
- Servo Systems
- Resolvers
- Linear Variable Differential Transducers (LVDTs)
- Rotary Variable Differential Transducers (RVDTs)
- Servo Loops
- Pressure Measuring Instruments
- Absolute Pressure Instruments
- Gauge Pressure Instruments
- Differential Pressure Instruments
- Strain Gauges
- Piezo-Resistive Sensors
- Variable Frequency Signals
- Temperature Measurement
- Non-Electrical Temperature Measurements
- Temperature Dependant Resistors
- Quantity Indication System
- DC Electrical Indicators
- Digital Fuel Quantity Indicating System
- Stall Warning and Angle of Attack Systems
- Stall Warning Systems
- Angle of Attack Indicators
- Pitot-Static Systems
- International Standard Atmosphere (ISA)
- Light Aircraft System
- Large Aircraft System
- Air Data Sensors
- Air Data Module
- Altimeters
- Principle of Operation
- Drum-Type Altimeters
- Pressure Altitude
- Density Altitude
- The Sensitive Altimeter
- Types of Altitude Measurement
- Altimeter Indicators
- Altimeter Errors
- Blockages and Leakages
- Servo Altimeters
- Encoding Altimeters
- Altimeter Tests
- Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI)
- Principle of Operation
- VSI Errors
- VSI Faults
- Instantaneous Vertical Speed Indicator (IVSI)
- Airspeed Indicator (ASI)
- Principle of Operation
- Airspeeds
- True Airspeed (TAS) Indicators
- ASI Errors
- ASI Faults
- Temperatures
- Total Air Temperature
- Static Air Temperature
- Mach Speed
- Altitude versus IAS/Mach
- Overspeed Warning
- Mach Meter
- Combination Airspeed Indicator
- Mach meter Construction and Operation
- Mach Meter Errors
- Mach Meter Blockages and Leakages
- Mach Meter Accuracy
- Air Data Computer
- General
- Examples of Airdata Systems
- Gyroscopic Instruments
- Rigidity
- Precession
- Types of Gyro
- Vertical Gyro
- Attitude Indicator
- Erection of the Vertical Gyros
- Remote Artificial Horizon Indicator
- Directional Gyro
- Slaving of Directional Gyro
- Gyro Wander
- Rate Gyro
- Turn and Slip Indication
- Turn Coordinator Indicator
- Gyro Instrument Power Systems
- Magnetic Compasses
- Earth’s Magnetic Field
- Aeroplane Magnetism
- Deviation and its Compensation
- Regulation (EASA) Limits
- Compass Swinging
- Deviation Compensation Devices
- Summary of Deviation and Variation
- Direct Reading (Standby) Magnetic Compass
- Direct Reading Compass Errors
- Turning Errors
- Other Errors
- Flux Valve
- Slaved Gyro Compass
- Compass Systems
- Remote compensator
11.5.2 - Avionic Systems (ATA 22/23/34)
- Autoflight (ATA 22)
- Introduction
- Synchronisation
- Terms and Definitions
- System Layouts
- Layout Examples
- Autopilot
- Flight Director
- Servo Actuators
- Control Wheel Steering
- Operational Modes
- Landing
- Pitch Trim
- Yaw Damping
- Auto Throttle/Thrust
- Automatic Landing
- Fault Isolation and Test
- Communications (ATA 23)
- Radio Communication - General
- VHF Communication
- HF Communication
- Satellite Communication (SATCOM)
- Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS)
- Audio Integrating
- Interphone
- Passenger Address
- Cabin Intercommunication Data System (CIDS)
- Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR)
- Navigation Systems (ATA 34)
- Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT)
- Inertial Navigation System (INS)
- Automatic Direction Finder (ADF)
- VHF Navigation - Overview
- Instrument Landing System (ILS)
- VHF Omnidirectional Range (VOR)
- Marker Beacon
- Distance Measurement Equipment (DME)
- Global Position System (GPS)
- Area Navigation (RNAV)
- Navigation Radio Tuning
- Flight Management System (FMS)
- Radio Altimeter
- Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS)
- ATC Transponder
- Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)
- Weather Radar
- Flight Data Recorder (FDR)
Module 11.6 Electrical Power
- Introduction - Types of Electrical Power
- Direct Current (DC)
- Alternating Current (AC)
- Aircraft Systems
- Batteries
- Primary Cells
- Secondary Cells
- Aircraft Main Batteries
- Aircraft Lead-Acid Batteries
- Aircraft Nickel-Cadmium Batteries
- Battery Capacity
- Battery Room Tests
- NiCad Battery Thermal Runaway
- Battery Installations
- Grouping of Multiple Batteries
- Battery Charging
- Maintenance Practices
- Storage and Transportation
- Direct Current (DC) Generation
- Theory
- Construction
- Inspection and Maintenance
- DC Generator Storage
- DC Generator Circuits
- DC Alternators
- Twin Engined Aircraft DC Alternator System
- Turbine-Engine Starter-Generator System
- Alternating Current (AC) Generation
- Theory and Types
- Power in a Three-Phase System
- Frequency Wild Generators and Systems
- Constant-speed Generators
- Voltage Regulation
- Carbon-pile Voltage Regulator
- Vibrator-type Voltage Regulator
- Three-Unit Regulators
- Error Sensing Bridge Method
- Solid-state Voltage Regulators
- Magnetic Amplifier Voltage Regulator
- Constant Speed Drive Unit (CSDU) and Integrated Drive Generator (IDG)
- Principle of the CSDU/IDG
- CSDU in a Non-Paralleled System
- Operation
- Governing System
- CSDU in a Paralleled System
- The Integrated Drive Generator (IDG)
- IDG Hydraulic System
- Flightdeck Control and Indication of the CSDU/IDG
- Brushless Generator
- General Principle
- Stationary Magnet Type
- The Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG) type
- Variable Speed Constant Frequency (VSCF) Generators
- General Principle
- Operation
- Built In Test (BIT)
- Emergency Power Generation
- Ram Air Turbine (RAT)
- Constant Speed Motor/Generator
- Transformer Rectifiers
- Diodes as Rectifier
- Rectifier Types
- Transformer Rectifier Unit (TRU)
- Inverters
- Rotary Inverter
- Static Inverter
- Power Sources Summary
- External/Ground Power
- DC Ground Power (Small Aircraft)
- AC Ground Power (3-phase)
- Electrical Power Distribution
- Hardware Overview
- Busbars
- Circuit Breakers
- Relays
- Fuses
- Ammeter and Loadmeter
- Example Circuits
- Generator / Busbar Connection and Disconnection
- Circuit Protection
- Fuses and Current Limiters
- Circuit Breakers
- Reverse Current Cut-out Relays
- Overvoltage Protection
- AC Supply System Protection
- Undervoltage Protection
- Under/Over Frequency
- Maintenance Practices
- Electrical Distribution Systems
- AC Distribution
- DC Distribution
- Split Bus Systems
- Example - A320
- Paralleled Systems
- Reactive and Real Load Sharing
- Methods
- Fault Protection
- Electrical Load Control Unit (ELCU)
- AC Load Shedding
- Fault Protection
- Parameters
- Merz-Price Protection System
- Manual Tripping of the GCR
- Built In Test Equipment (BITE)
- Flightdeck Controls and Indication
Module 11.7 Equipment and Furnishings (ATA 25)
- Emergency Equipment
- General
- Layout
- Fire Gloves
- Torches
- Oxygen Bottles
- Fire Extinguishers
- Life Vests
- Megaphone
- Fire Axe
- Emergency Evacuation
- Emergency Evacuation Requirements
- Escape Slides
- Flight Crew Emergency Exits
- Emergency Ropes
- Cockpit
- Layout
- Pilot’s Seats
- Observer’s Seats
- Attendant’s Seats
- Seat Belts and Shoulder Harnesses
- Furnishing Materials
- Cabin
- Layout
- Passenger Seats
- Galleys
- Lavatories
- Placards
- Cargo Compartments
- Bulk Cargo Compartments
- Container Cargo Compartments
- Cargo Compartment Linings
- Cargo Handling and Retention Equipment
- Webbing and Nets
- Passenger Service Units (PSU)
- General
- Passenger signs
- Attendant Call
- Airstairs
- General
- Folding / Retractable Airstairs
- Airstair Operation
- Cabin Entertainment Systems
- In Flight Entertainment (IFE)
- Passenger Visual Information System
- Passenger Entertainment System (PES)
- Multiplex Techniques
- System Controls
- Matsushita System 2000E
Module 11.8 Fire Protection (ATA 26)
- Requirements for Fire
- Fire Detection Systems
- Fire Detectors and Overheat Detection Systems
- Thermal Switches
- Continuous-Loop Detector Systems
- Pneumatic Types Fire/Overheat Detectors
- Pneumatic System Leak Warning Systems
- Maintenance Practices
- Detection Systems
- Fire Detection or Control Unit
- Smoke and Flame Detectors
- Carbon Monoxide Detectors
- Visual Smoke Detectors
- Fire Zones
- Fire-Extinguishing Systems
- Fire-Extinguishing Agents
- High-Rate-Discharge (HRD) Extinguishing Systems
- Servicing of Fire-Extinguishing Systems
- Fire Protection Systems
- Cargo Compartment
- Lavatory Smoke Detection
- Waste Bin Fire Extinguisher
- Lavatory Regulatory Requirements
- Avionics Smoke Detection
- Example System – Boeing 737
- Engine Fire Extinguishing Systems
- Typical Large Commercial Twin Jet Fire Extinguishing System
- Common Extinguishing Agents, Approved for Engine Fire Extinguishing
- Engine Bottle Discharge Indicators
- Portable Fire Extinguishers
- EASA Requirements
- Types of Portable Fire Extinguisher
- Maintenance and Inspection
Module 11.9 Flight Controls (ATA 27)
- Control System Overview
- Primary controls: aileron, elevator, rudder, spoiler
- Trim Control
- Pitch Trimming
- Versine Signal
- Active Load Control
- High Lift Devices
- Lift Dump and Speed Brakes
- Torque Limiting
- Artificial Feel and Centring
- Flutter Damping
- Yaw Damper
- Mach Trim
- Rudder Limiter
- Gust Locks
- Stall Protection Systems
- Rigging of Cable Operated Flight Controls
- Fly By Wire
Module 11.10 Fuel Systems (ATA 28)
- Requirements
- Fuel Tanks
- Fuel Feed System
- Cross-Feed System
- Fuelling and Defuelling the System
- Fuel Quantity Indication System
- Fuel Jettison System
- Longitudinal Balance Fuel Systems
- Fuel Contamination
Module 11.11 Hydraulic Power (ATA 29)
- Introduction
- Aircraft Hydraulics Definition
- What is a hydraulic system?
- Advantages of Hydraulic Systems
- Some Devices Operated by Hydraulic Systems in Aircraft
- Theory of Operation
- Hydraulic Circuits
- System Layout
- Overview
- Typical System Architecture
- Power Packs
- Hydraulic Fluids
- Vegetable Based Fluids
- Mineral Based Fluids
- Phosphate Ester Based Fluids
- Skydrol
- Compressibility of Hydraulic fluid
- Hydraulic Fluid Sampling and Analysis
- Hydraulic Pumps
- Classification of Pumps
- Gear Pumps
- Vane Pump
- Reciprocating (Piston) Pumps
- Engine Driven Pump (EDP)
- Electric Motor Driven Pump (EMDP)
- Emergency and Auxiliary Pressure Generation
- Pressure Generation for Servicing and Testing
- Hand Pumps
- Ram Air Turbine (RAT)
- Power Transfer Unit (PTU)
- Air Driven Pump (ADP)
- Hydraulic System Components
- Hydraulic Reservoir
- Hydraulic Actuators
- Hydraulic Filters
- Pressure Relief Valves (PRV)
- Thermal Relief Valves
- Hydraulic Seals
- Hydraulic Accumulators
- Priority Valves
- Shuttle Valves
- Pressure Reducing Valve
- Brake Control Valves
- Non-return Valves (Check Valves)
- Restrictor Valves
- Automatic Cut-out Valves (ACOV)
- Sequence Valves
- Hydraulic Fuses
- Modulators
- Hydraulic Selectors
- Control, Indication and Warning
- Flightdeck Control Panels
- Flightdeck Indications
- Pressure Indication
- Pressure Switch
- Quantity Indication
- Low Level Switch
- Flow Indication
- Temperature Indication
- Maintenance
- Components for Servicing Purposes
- Sampling
- Flushing
- Draining the System
- Filling the System
- Routine Maintenance
- Seals
- Storage
Module 11.12 Ice and Rain Protection (ATA 30)
- Ice Formation
- Ice Formation in Flight
- Classification of Ice
- Definitions
- Ice Detection
- Visual Method for Ice Detection
- Ice Detection Spot Lights
- Pressure Operated Ice Detector
- Vibrating Rod Ice Detector
- Hot Rod Ice Detector
- Serrated Rotor Ice Detector Head
- Radioactive Ice Detector System
- Anti-Icing/De-Icing Systems
- Aerofoil Ice Protection
- Thermal (Hot-Air) Systems
- Electrical Systems
- Fluid De-Icing Systems
- Pneumatic De-Icing System
- Engine Anti-Ice Systems
- General
- Engine Anti-Ice Valves
- Engine Anti-Ice P/B or Switch
- Swirl Tube or Piccolo Duct
- Windshield De-icing and Anti-icing Systems
- Fluid De-Icing System
- Electrical Anti-icing System
- Windshield Wiper System
- Rain Repellent System
- Probes and Drain Heating
- Introduction
- Heated Air Data Probes
- General Safety Precautions
- Typical Probe Heating System
- Probe Heating System Monitored by Current Sensing Relays
- Probe Heating System controlled by Probe Heat Computer
- Potable and Waste Water Heating Systems
- Water and Toilet Drain Heaters
Module 11.13 Landing Gear (ATA 32)
- General
- Configurations
- Definitions
- Main Landing Gear
- Configurations
- Multi-Axle
- Weight-on-Wheels Switch
- Nose Landing Gears
- Overview
- Centreing Cams
- Shimmy Dampers
- Shock Strut
- General Principle
- Landing
- Take-off
- Servicing
- Extension and Retraction
- Hydraulic Retraction Systems
- Retraction / Extension System Components
- Emergency Extension System
- Pneumatic Retraction System
- Electrical Retraction System
- Indication and Warning
- Gear Position Indication
- Gear-up Landing - Warning Devices
- Brake Temperature Monitoring and Display
- Wheels
- Construction
- Thermal Relief Fuse Plugs
- Wheel Removal and Installation
- Wheel Inspection
- Wheel Bearings
- Aircraft Tyres
- Tubed Tyres
- Tubeless Tyres
- Construction and Definitions
- Tread Patterns
- Aircraft Tyre Ratings
- Aircraft Tyre Types
- Aircraft Tyre Dimensions and Markings
- Other Markings
- Chine Tyres
- Aircraft Tyre Inflation
- Aircraft Tyre Wear Limitations
- Tyre Inspection and Damage
- Fitting Tubed Tyres
- Fitting Tubeless Tyres
- Wheels Suitable for Tubed or Tubeless Tyres
- Assembling the Wheel
- Inflation and Testing
- Immersion Test
- Tyre Creep
- Maintenance of Tyres
- Removing Tyres
- Repair of Tyres and Tubes
- Tyre Storage
- Aircraft Brakes
- General
- Drum Brake Systems
- Disc Brake Systems
- Carbon Brakes
- Brake Adjuster
- Inspection of Disc Brakes
- Overheated Brakes
- Hydraulic Braking Systems
- Low Pressure Systems
- High Pressure Systems
- Emergency Brake System
- Parking Brake
- In-Flight Brake
- Bleeding the Brakes
- Testing the Brakes
- Anti-Skid Systems
- Dry Skid
- Aquaplaning
- Maxaret System
- Electronic Anti-Skid Systems
- Auto Brake System
- Steering
- Nose Wheel Steering
- Body Gear Steering
Module 11.14 Lights (ATA 33)
- Units of Light Intensity
- External Lighting
- Overview of External Lights
- Requirements
- Landing Lights
- Runway Turn-Off Lights
- Wing Scanning Lights
- Taxi lights
- Wing Lights
- Logo lights
- Wheel Well lights
- Position (Navigation) Lights
- Anti-Collision Light
- Internal Lighting
- Incandescent Lights
- Electro Luminescent Light
- Fluorescent Lights
- Flightdeck Lighting
- Cabin Lighting
- Cargo Compartments Lights
- Wheel Well Lights
- Emergency Lighting
- Electro Luminescence (EL)
- Self Illuminating Signs
- Emergency Lights Control
- Power Supplies for emergency lights
- Regulations for Emergency Lights
- Floor Proximity Escape Path Lighting
- Helicopter Ditching
- Emergency Exit Lighting Activation
- Emergency Lighting System Characteristics
- Escape Window Lighting
- Central Warning Systems (CWS)
Module 11.15 Oxygen (ATA 35)
- The Need for Oxygen
- Atmospheric Composition
- Types of Oxygen
- Human Affects due to Altitude
- Requirement of Oxygen for Passengers
- Effective Performance Time (EPT) &am