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Lista de produse dupa producatorul Jeppesen
For more than 80 years, Jeppesen and aviation have evolved together.
Since 1934, when Captain E.B. Jeppesen began selling the world’s first aviation navigation charts, the company that bears his name has evolved alongside — not in response to — aviation. We aren’t providers. We’re partners. We’re co-pilots. And just as it was with Captain Jeppesen, the spirit of pilot helping pilot guides everything we do.
Jeppesen Manual Instrument/Commercial
Intuitive organization and colorful presentation make this manual an essential study aid on your journey to an instrument rating or commercial certificate.
Jeppesen Student CSG Calculator de zbor
Calculatorul Jeppesenl Student CSG este perfect pentru piloții în curs de formare.
Jeppesen Jeppshades - ochelari de instruire IFR
Acești ochelari de instruire IFR JeppShades sunt similari cu ochelarii de antrenament Foggles IFR. Husa de protecție inclusă. Suficient de mici pentru a se potrivi în buzunar.