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Noua serie ProFlight 2 se bazează pe tehnologia avansată a originalului și este cea mai ușoară, compactă și confortabilă cască de aviație pe care Bose a produs-o vreodată. ProFlight Series 2 este conceput și rafinat pentru modul în care pilotii profesioniști zboară și oferă acum numeroase actualizări și îmbunătățiri bazate pe aportul feed-back-ului primit de la piloti. Seria ProFlight 2 oferă un nou cablu mai ușor, mai subțire și mai flexibil, oferind o libertate de mișcare crescută și functia "tap control" îmbunătățită pentru comunicarea directă.
Seria ProFlight 2 prezintă tehnologia Bose avansată într-un factor de formă inovativ, cu caracteristici concepute pentru medii cu zgomot redus și nevoile unice ale piloților care zboară in cabinele companiilor aeriene și aeronavelor comerciale de tip jet. Piloții vor experimenta claritatea pe care o așteaptă, împreună cu performanțele configurabile de către utilizator, care sunt proiectate pentru confortul pe zboruri extinse. Trei niveluri de anulare a zgomotului selectabile de utilizator, un cablu și microfon cu declanșare rapidă, care se poate schimba lateral stanga-dreapta printr-un singur click, tehnologie de anulare a zgomotului acustic Bose și conectivitate Bluetooth® cu funcții complete. Factorul de formă al Seriei ProFlight 2 este diferit de orice altă cască - o configurație semi-interna extrem de stabilă, cu bandă de cap, fără obișnuitele probleme cauzate de castile interne care patrund in canalul urechii.
Noua cască de aviație Bose ProFlight Series 2, la fel ca si modelul premiat A20, este certificata FAA și EASA E / TSO-C139a. În plus, acum este disponibilă o nouă variantă non-Bluetooth a ProFlight Series 2.
Headphone sensitivity: 92dB SPL measure at 1 mW input signal, 1 kHz, in Mono mode
Headphone impedance:
Mono mode: 300 Ohms ON and OFF
Stereo mode: 600 Ohms ON and OFF
Headphone frequency response:
RTCA-214a range: 300 to 3500Hz
Extended range: 40Hz to 15kHz
Boom microphone sensitivity:
-27dBV (+/- 2.5dB) at 94dB SPL (1 Pa), measured at 6mm distance from artificial mouth, across 220 Ohms load resistor and biased with 12 Vdc via 470 Ohms resistor.
Boom microphone bias Operating bias voltage range: 4 to 28 VDC
Maximum ambient noise level:
105 dBC SPL for full active noise reduction performance
Battery power source: Two (2) AA alkaline batteries
Battery life: Up to 45 hours in typical commercial jet aircraft noise. Duration varies with battery age, ambient noise levels, temperature, ear tip condition, and use of the Bluetooth feature.
Aircraft power source: Aircraft power voltage range: 10 to 32 VDC
Average power consumption: 250mW
Fuse/breaker recommended: 1/4 amp, fast-blow fuse (AGC 1/4 amp fuse) or 1/2 amp circuit breaker
Headset weight: 9.6 ounces, 4.5 ounces on head
Headset size range:
Slider not extended: 8.425" (214mm) H x 6.34" (161mm) W x 3.15" (80mm) D
Slider extended: 10.2" (259mm) H x 6.6" (168mm) W x 3.15" (80mm) D
Control module dimensions 1.5" (38.1mm) H x 1.5" (38.1mm) W x 4.92" (125mm) D
Temperature and Altitude (Category A):
Operating: 5 to 158°F (-15 to 70°C)
Storage: -67 to 158°F (-55 to 70°C)
Altitude: 15,000 feet maximum pressure altitude for full cancellation
Bluetooth wireless technology: 4.2
Headset cable length: 6.56 ft. or 2 m
Bose a proiectat și certificat ProFlight Seria 2 FAA TSO C139a și RTCA / DO-214A, Standarde operaționale minime de performanță pentru sisteme și echipamente audio pentru avioane. Astfel, căștile sunt compatibile cu toate aeronavele care sunt conforme cu aceste standarde.
Vă rugăm să rețineți: Unele aeronave mai vechi, în special modelele MD80 și MD88, par să utilizeze un curent constant pentru functia "hot mic" a modulul intercom. Bose a întâlnit cazuri în care anumite sisteme de intercom de aeronave vor provoca deteriorarea microfonului și / sau defecțiuni din cauza supraîncălzirii. Dacă intenționați să utilizați ProFlight Series 2 cu aceste tipuri de aeronave, vă rugăm să vă consultați cu echipa tehnică a aeronavei pentru a vă asigura că sistemul intercom funcționează în intervalul de tensiune specificat pentru microfon și pentru a evita utilizarea functiei pentru microfon „mereu pornit”.
Acum si mai usoara
• Doar 128 grams (4.5 uncii) greutate pe cap. Reduce zgomotul ambiental, permitand utilizatorilor sa regleze volumul radio la niveluri mai mici. • Functia tap control imbunatatita pentru comunicatie directa Atinge de 2 ori oricare din cele doua dopuri de urechi pentru a deschide un canal de comunicatie direct, in afara intercom-ului, fara filtrare electronica. • Microfon si cablu usor detasabil si schimbabil de pe o parte pe alta (stanga-dreapta). Se instaleaza usor pe oricare parte, pe baza de click, fara unelte necesare. • Microfon usor ajustabil. Noile aripioare ale microfonului permit plasarea mai precisa si corecta a acestuia in dreptul gurii. |
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Usor configurabil pentru a indeplini nevoile tale
• Cablu subtire si flexibil. • Bose Connect app. |
Inselator fragila la prima vedere, impresionant de rezistenta in operare• Geanta impunatatita. • Certificata FAA TSO si EASA E/TSO-C139a. • Durabilitate pe termen lung. |
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ProFlight Series 2 Aviation Headset vine cu:
How is the ProFlight Series 2 different from the previous model?
We’ve made several improvements based on customer feedback. The most significant improvement is a thinner, lighter cable with much greater flexibility that provides improved comfort and stability, and reduces on-head weight by 0.4 ounces (11 grams). Tap control for talk-through communication has been improved. The microphone boom now includes winglets to assist in correct mic alignment and adjustment. Finally, the carry case has been improved to aid in faster stowage and transportation with the addition of a hanging loop and carabiner, and a more open internal design.
What is the difference between the ProFlight Series 2 and A20 headsets?
They are completely different headsets and have different fundamental architectures, although they share features such as Bluetooth capability, selectable stereo/mono and auto-on/auto-off. The A20 features an around-ear design and is meant for noisier aircraft, such as non-pressurized single engine models. The ProFlight Series 2 features a headbanded, in-ear design and is meant for crewed aircraft, typically pressurized and less noisy, like most jets.
How many different versions and configurations are available for the ProFlight Series 2?
Customers can configure their ProFlight Series 2 Aviation Headsets in many ways. Customers have their choice of connector configurations with each module. Each connector configuration is available with Bluetooth, and non-Bluetooth variants in dual-plug and 5 pin configurations. Designed for use in both civilian and military aircraft, the ProFlight Series 2 offers most common plug configurations:
Dual G/A plug (PJ 068 and 1/4-inch stereo): With this option, the headset is connected to the aircraft’s intercom via a dual plug and is not powered by the aircraft. Two AA alkaline batteries provide a minimum of 45 hours of operation while flying. This configuration is the most common version purchased by pilots.
XLR 5 pin: Often called the Airbus plug, this configuration is a mono connection to the aircraft and, depending on the installation, may be powered by the aircraft. When disconnected, the flexible power feature lets the headset switch seamlessly from aircraft power to battery power, so users experience no interruption when the headset is plugged into or unplugged from a source of power.
6 pin connector wired to the aircraft (LEMO): With this option, the headset is connected to the aircraft via a 6 pin connector and is powered directly from the aircraft. When disconnected, the flexible power feature switches the headset seamlessly from aircraft power to battery power so users experience no interruption when the headset is plugged into or unplugged from the aircraft.*
*Adapters are available from Bose to convert a 6 pin connector to either a dual G/A plug or a U174 for additional connection flexibility.
Can I comfortably wear glasses with the ProFlight Series 2?
Yes. The side pads rest slightly behind and above the ear, which allows you to put on and remove eyeglasses without touching the headset. You can wear almost any frames you want without sacrificing noise reduction or comfort.
Can I switch the microphone to either side?
Yes. The integrated boom mic and cable assembly can be attached to either the left or right side of the headset. The self-guiding connector makes it easy to attach the boom mic and cable assembly. The cable swaps easily in seconds and without tools.
What is the battery life of the ProFlight Series 2?
Using two AA alkaline batteries, the ProFlight Series 2 will operate for at least 45 hours of flying in typical aircraft noise. With continuous operation of the Bluetooth function, battery life will be at least 25 hours. As always, battery life varies with the type of battery, the noise environment, and features used. The headset’s battery life indicator light alerts the user when batteries should be replaced.
Can I use rechargeable batteries?
Rechargeable batteries are discouraged because your flying-time battery life will be reduced from the 45-hour life, depending on the type of battery chemistry used. Rechargeable batteries also alter the accuracy of the battery status indicator light, so that when the light changes to amber, you will have less than the usual eight hours of flying time remaining that you can expect with non-rechargeable AA alkaline batteries.
Can I use lithium-ion batteries?
Lithium-ion batteries should not be used due to their typically higher voltage.
How does the auto-on feature work?
Headsets that can use aircraft power (6 pin and 5 pin XLR) will automatically turn on when the aircraft power is present. A switch inside the control module battery compartment can configure this feature based on user preference.
How does the automatic shutoff feature work?
The automatic shutoff feature in your ProFlight Series 2 detects when the headset is not in use and shuts it off after several minutes to preserve battery power. The exact time it takes to shut off varies and can range between 6 and 45 minutes of inactivity.
What is TSO, and why is it important?
A Technical Standard Order (TSO) is a minimum performance standard for specified materials, parts, and appliances used on civil aircraft. When a company is authorized to manufacture a material, part, or appliance to a TSO standard, this is referred to as TSO authorization. When a company receives a TSO authorization, it is assured that the product meets these minimums in both design and production. Bose Corporation meets all, and exceeds many, TSO requirements. Receiving a TSO authorization is not an approval to install and use the authorized article in the aircraft.
Is the Bose A20 Aviation Headset still available?
Yes. The ProFlight Series 2 did not replace the A20 Aviation Headset. It is designed to meet the unique needs of pilots and crew who fly pressurized and crewed aircraft, which are typically less noisy.
How does the ProFlight Series 2 compare to the A20 Aviation Headset in terms of noise reduction?
The ProFlight Series 2 does not have as much total noise reduction as the A20 Aviation Headset.
What are the advantages of the ProFlight Series 2 vs. the A20 Aviation Headset (or the Bose Aviation Headset X, Aviation Headset Series I, Aviation Headset Series II, or pre-2015 A20 Aviation Headset)?
The ProFlight Series 2 is our most advanced aviation headset yet. Compared to the Bose A20 Aviation Headset, the ProFlight Series 2 has:
ProFlight Series 2 compared to Bose Aviation Headset Series I and II:
2015 A20 Aviation Headset added features (note that these features are not present in all versions):
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