Total Training Support's Integrated Training System. We are sure you will need no other reference material to pass your EASA Part-66 exam in this Module.
These notes have been written by instructors of EASA Part-66 courses, specifically for practitioners of varying experience within the aircraft maintenance industry, and especially those who are self-studying to pass the EASA Part-66 exams.
They are specifically designed to meet the EASA Part-66 syllabus and to answer the questions being asked by the UK CAA in their examinations.
The EASA Part-66 syllabus for each sub-section is printed at the beginning of each of the chapters in these course notes and is used as the “Learning Objectives”.
We suggest that you take each chapter in-turn, read the text of the chapter a couple of times, if only to familiarise yourself with the location of the information contained within. Then, using your membership, attempt the questions within the respective sub-section, and continually refer back to these notes to read-up on the underpinning knowledge required to answer the respective question, and any similar question that you may encounter on your real Part-66 examination. Studying this way, with the help of the question practice and their explanations, you will be able to master the subject piece-by-piece, and become proficient in the subject matter, as well as proficient in answering the CAA style EASA part-66 multiple choice questions.
The course notes are written to suit Licence category 'B2'.
13.6. Equipment and Furnishings (ATA 25)
Electronic Emergency Equipment Requirements
- Introduction
- Megaphone
- Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT)
- Emergency Evacuation Signal System (EESS)
Cabin Entertainment Equipment
- Passenger Address
- Cabin Intercommunication Data System (CIDS)
- In Flight Entertainment (IFE)
- Passenger Service System
13.7. Flight Controls (ATA 27)
13.7 (a)
- Control System Overview
- Primary controls: aileron, elevator, rudder, spoiler
- Trim Control
- Pitch Trimming
- Versine Signal
- Active Load Control
- High Lift Devices
- Lift Dump and Speed Brakes
- Torque Limiting
- Artificial Feel and Centring
- Flutter Damping
- Yaw Damper
- Mach Trim
- Rudder Limiter
- Gust Locks
- Stall Protection Systems
13.7 (b) - Fly By Wire
- Basic Principle
- Control Surfaces
- Cockpit Controls
- Computers
- Pitch Control
- Roll Control
- Speedbrakes and Ground Spoilers
- Protections
13.8. Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Aircraft Indicating Systems - General
- Variable Resistance Systems
- Synchros
- Direct Torque Systems
- Servo Systems
- Resolvers
- Linear Variable Differential Transducers (LVDTs)
- Rotary Variable Differential Transducers (RVDTs)
- Servo Loops
Pressure Measuring Instruments
- Absolute Pressure Instruments
- Gauge Pressure Instruments
- Differential Pressure Instruments
- Strain Gauges
- Piezo-Resistive Sensors
- Variable Frequency Signal
Temperature Measurement
- Non-Electrical Temperature Measurements
- Temperature Dependant Resistors
Quantity Indication System
- DC Electrical Indicators
- Digital Fuel Quantity Indicating System
Stall Warning and Angle of Attack Systems
- Stall Warning Systems
- Angle of Attach Indicators
Pilot-Static Systems
- International Standard Atmosphere (ISA)
- Light Aircraft System
- Large Aircraft System
- Air Data Sensors
- Air Data Module
- Principle of Operation
- Drum-Type Altimeters
- Pressure Altitude
- Density Altitude
- The Sensitive Altimeter
- Types of Altitude Measurement
- Altimeter Indicators
- Altimeter Errors
- Blockages and Leakages
- Servo Altimeters
- Encoding Altimeters
- Altimeter Tests
Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI)
- Principle of Operation
- VSI Errors
- VSI Faults
- Instantaneous Vertical Speed Indicator (IVSI)
Airspeed Indicator (ASI)
- Principle of Operation
- Airspeeds
- True Airspeed (TAS) Indicators
- ASI Errors
- ASI Faults
- Total Air Temperature
- Static Air Temperature
Mach Speed
- Altitude versus IAS/Mach
- Overspeed Warning
- Mach Meter
- Combination Airspeed Indicator
- Mach meter Construction and Operation
- Mach Meter Errors
- Mach Meter Blockages and Leakages
- Mach Meter Accuracy
Air Data Computer
- General
- Examples of Airdata Systems
Gyroscopic Instruments
- Rigidity
- Precession
- Types of Gyro
- Vertical Gyro
- Attitude Indicator
- Erection of the Vertical Gyros
- Remote Artificial Horizon Indicator
- Directional Gyro
- Slaving of Directional Gyro
- Gyro Wander
- Rate Gyro
- Turn and Slip Indication
- Turn Coordinator Indicator
- Gyro Instrument Power Systems
Magnetic Compasses
- Earth's Magnetic Field
- Aeroplane Magnetism
- Deviation and its Compensation
- Regulation (EASA) Limits
- Compass Swinging
- Deviation Compensation Devices
- Summary of Deviation and Variation
- Direct Reading (Standby) Magnetic Compass
- Direct Reading Compass Errors
- Turning Errors
- Other Errors
- Flux Valve
- Slaved Gyro Compass
- Compass Systems
- Remote Compensator
Electronic Flight Instrument Systems (EFIS)
- Component
- Display Presentations
- Failure Annunciation
- Data Source Selection
- Display of Air Data
Vibration Measurement and Indication
Ground Proximity Warning Systems (GPWS)
- Warnings
- Windshear Alerting
- EGPWS Terrain Alerting and Display
- Terrain Clearance Floor (TCF)
- Terrain Database
- Obstacle Database
- System Block Diagram
Central Warning Systems (CWS)
Glossary of Terms
13.9. Lights (ATA 33)
External Lighting
- Overview of External Lights
- Requiremets
- Landing Lights
- Runway Turn-Off Lights
- Wing Scanning Lights
- Taxi Lights
- Wing Lights
- Logo Lights
- Wheel Well Lights
- Position (Navigation) Lights
- Anti-Collision Light
Internal Lighting
- Incandescent Lights
- Electro Luminescent Light
- Fluorescent Lights
- Flightdeck Lighting
- Cabin Lighting
- Cargo Compartments Lights
- Wheel Well Lights
Emergency Lighting
- Electro Luminescence (EL)
- Self Illuminating Signs
- Emergency Lights Control
- Power Supplies for emergency lights
- Regulations for Emergency Lights
- Floor Proximity Escape Path Lighting
- Helicopter Ditching
- Emergency Exit Lighting Activation
- Emergency Lighting System Characteristics
- Escape Window Lighting
13.10. On board Maintenance Systems (ATA 45)
Central Maintenance System (CMS)
- Acquisition
- Consolidation
- Retrieval
- Analysis
Built In Test Equipment (BITE) Philosopy
- General
- Built In Test Equipment (BITE)
- Fault Detection
- Isolation
- Memorization
- Concept
- Test
- Architecture
- Centralized Fault Display Interface Unit (CFDIU)
Aircraft Condition Monitoring System (ACMS)
Ground Support Equipment (GSE)
Data Loading Systems
- General
- Downloading
- Components
- Abnormal Operation
Electronic Library System (ELS)
Airborne Printer
- General
- Paper
- Controls
- Printer
- Paper Loading
- Dot Matrix Printing Technology
- Interface
Structure Monitoring
- General
- Damage Tolerance Monitoring