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This book contains questions for the EASA Private Pilot’s Licence, but it could be valid for almost any country, making due allowance for air law, meteorology and various maps, which have been chosen to be as neutral as possible.
There is a trend to get a sneak peek of the questions, and this is what many publications seek to achieve*. This one doesn’t! The questions inside follow the same style as those found in the PPL exams, but they are not the exact ones you will find in them. This is because, as a pilot, you are meant to think for yourself! In this respect, this book is very well suited for those people intending to take their flying forward to a professional career. In any case, the jump between Private and Commercial Pilot should only be a small one, except for subjects such as turbine engines which are not in the PPL syllabus anyway.
*In the UK, the professional pilot licences are soon going to be online, and the PPL questions will join them (they have already been compiled). In other words, they will not be looked after by the flight schools, so nobody should get to know what they are, and other publications will necessarily be out of date.
For people intending to fly commercially, the contents of this book represent the minimum knowledge required by anybody taking modular distance learning courses (for which the PPL is a minimum requirement).
There are separate chapters for each subject involved. Answers (with explanations**) are given at the end of the book. There is an Appendix containing various pictures, graphs, etc. for use in the questions.
Repetitive questions have been eliminated to make room for others, where the answer is obvious. For example, a question about what happens to Lift when density decreases does not have another that asks what happens when density increases!
**These are abridged from my Private Pilot syllabus books, where full explanations can be found.
"At last - a replacement for the PPL Confuser!"
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